Striving absolutely for precision and innovation. At first there was one customer, now there are thousands around the world. Since our company was established in 1988, we have been setting standards in our special field: measurement of forces and moments. We work at the highest level in everything we do: standard products, custom versions and services. Early on we established our reputation as a pioneer of technical development in this field, with an excellent team to support our problem-solving competence.
Immerse yourself virtually in our world and be inspired by our state-of-the-art working environment during a 360° tour. Get to know some of the GTM team members and see where we are constantly thinking about new ideas and opportunities for improvement and are always getting innovative projects off the ground – right here in Bickenbach, directly at the beautiful Bergstraße.
Are you also curious about our calibration laboratory? Right this way!
We see comprehensive digital transformation as both an opportunity and a necessity, in order to continue developing GTM’s outstanding position in the future. Our customers and partners play the main role here, and we will push the advancement of future digital products & solutions in close cooperation with our customers.
We set standards in measurement technology. We make the world a better place because we make a major contribution to ensuring that a NEWTON is always a NEWTON, all around the globe.
We share our knowledge, our expertise, and our passion for measuring technology and precision with everyone who is interested. National and international cooperations and partnerships are therefore a basic pillar of our philosophy.
In the development and production of all GTM components, the top priorities are maximum precision, durability and reliability.
We know that we have to protect the Earth. We can do this only through sustainable actions today. This idea defines our business activity 24/7, from the raw materials for our components to the ready-to-dispatch product.
Our purpose is to offer solutions. To achieve this, we develop products that not only satisfy our customers, but encourage innovations. Our measuring technology does more than just fulfil requirements: It defines them. Every solution has its own individual success story. Our goal is to write this success story together with our customers.
With over 70 employees at two locations in the South Hessian municipality of Bickenbach and in Prague, GTM – also known in the industry as “die Gelben” (the yellow company) – is the leading specialist for the measurement of forces and moments. GTM not only sets metrological and measurement standards worldwide, but also offers standard products for measuring forces and moments, as well as calibration and other services at a precedent-setting level. Well over 50 patents and the design of both the biggest and smallest force measurement system within the national accreditation body DAkkS, as well as the world’s most precise lever ratio measuring system underscore the outstanding expertise of GTM specialists in the field of metrology. GTM is accredited as a calibration lab for force, torque and multi-component transducers, as well as the voltage ratio of strain gauge measuring amplifiers. GTM delivers measuring systems to national institutes, calibration labs and manufacturers of force and torque transducers around the world.