GTM participated at Asia Forum of Material Testing

The International Forum for Material Testing is yearly organized at Zwick/Roell in Germany. Over the last 26 years it has become synonymous for innovation and progress in material testing technology. The Asian counterpart, the Asian Forum of Material Testing (AFMT), held in Shanghai every two years, is the leading conference of material testing industry in China.
Main topics of the AFMT 2018, which opened at April 24th, focused on Industry 4.0, the application of big data in testing industry, material lightweight-technology and new materials, new technologies as well as new testing standards. More than 500 experts and testing engineers from China, Singapore, Korea and Hong Kong gathered together, they explored and discussed materials testing machines, testing technologies and the future development requirements.
As an international leading German company with outstanding products GTM participated at AFMT 2018. Besides the demonstration of GTM’s high precision force and torque transducers Mr. Jan Molter and Mr. Huang Weijun also made a speech about "Strain Gauge Transducer Technology on Testing Machines". Regarding the latest developments of high precision Force Standard Machines, high precision force and torque measurement and how to adapt to new requirements of industry development, GTM exchanged opinions and discussed with many experts and engineers at the conference.
GTM will continue to supply its international customers with world-leading products in terms of quality and precision and sends out a signal for further intensive exchange between Germany and China in the field of measurement technology.
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