

GTM and Metrology - The Perfect Combination for your demanding Force and Torque Solutions

The Right Way to Measure – Traceability to the National Standard Explained in a Nutshell

Physical measurements are becoming more accurate and measuring transducers and the entire measuring chains more precise. As the “science of measuring and its applications”, metrology plays a decisive role in this context, because it defines the methods and processes that are necessary to ensure global comparability of measurements. So that a newton is a newton, no matter where the force is measured.


The different levels of the “metrology funnel” represent the different metrological stages. The deeper one descends into the funnel, the smaller is the uncertainty of measurement and the higher the precision:

  • Measuring instruments, such as force or torque transducers with connected strain gauge amplifiers and a precision of 0.5 to 1 %
  • Working standard, e.g. as a force or torque transfer standards with precision electronic measuring circuitry, precision: 0.05 to 0.02 %
  • Reference standard, e.g. as a calibration machine with precision of 100 to 500 ppm
  • National standard, as a force or torque calibration machine with precision of 10 to 100 ppm

At the end of the metrology funnel is the measurement with the highest possible accuracy.

Traceability describes the process in which the readings of a measuring instrument are compared in one or more stages with the national standard for the respective measured quantity – in our case, a force or torque. For this purpose, the deviation of the measurements is determined and documented.

Measuring instruments, such as GTM force transducers, sensors and load cells or torque transducers with connected electronic measuring circuitry that have to be calibrated regularly, are in the topmost stage – “measuring technology”– of the funnel and are therefore dependent on the metrological traceability of all lower levels.


Measuring instruments, such as GTM force transducers, sensors and load cells or torque transducers with connected electronic measuring circuitry that have to be calibrated regularly, are in the topmost stage – “measuring technology”– of the funnel and are therefore dependent on the metrological traceability of all lower levels.

Working or factory standards are used to calibrate the force and torque transducers of the “measuring instruments” stage. Transducers and sensors in testing machines and systems usually require on-site calibration, since the transducers are permanently installed and the local conditions have to be taken into account. The working or factory standards of the units under test are then installed in these machines so that the force flow is led directly through them.

The scales for forces or torques are represented using stationary standard measuring instruments with a direct or (for very high forces) transmitted mass effect. The force is generated by the weight of load elements in the Earth’s gravitational field.

Accredited calibration labs such as GTM use stationary reference standard machines as the next metrological stage in the funnel of reference standards, which are calibrated by means of comparison with the national standard. This involves primarily calibration of the portable working or transfer standards, in addition to transducers that can be removed and transported for this purpose.

The highest national instances are the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs). The national standard for forces and torques represents the correct value with the highest possible accuracy currently possible.

The Entire Metrological Solution from a Single Source – From the Sensor to the Measuring System

GTM offers best-in-class products, measuring systems and calibration services for the strain gauge-based measurement of forces and torques throughout all stages of measurement and calibration, all the way to the national standard.

Transfer Standards
In addition to high-precision force, torque and multi-axis transducers, as the world's leading supplier of best-in-class transducers we also supply the matching high-precision transfer standards for force and torques. We thus offer the complete reference measurement chain for forces and torques from a single source - from the transfer standard to the high-precision strain gauge electronics.
Metrological Standard Machines
We supply our metrological standard machines to National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), calibration laboratories and to manufacturers of force and torque transducers. GTM can supply turnkey metrological standard machines of the highest standard worldwide, with a proven track record of extreme reliability and success. The complete metrological solution from a single source - from sensor to standard machines
You can always rely on us! We are your competent, trustworthy and first point of contact when it comes to manufacturer-independent calibration of forces, moments and voltage ratios, traceability of your transducers and further development of metrological calibration procedures.