For static and dynamic torques Nominal torque range: 2 N·m to 10 kN·m Accuracy class: 0.05 Fatigue endurance limit: >100 million load cycles Non-rotating version
For static and dynamic torques Nominal torque range: 100 N·m to 150 kN·m Accuracy class: 0.05 Fatigue endurance limit: >100 million load cycles Non-rotating version
For calibration of measuring instruments Pure static torque measurement GTM accuracy class VN: 40 - 100% DIN 51309 accuracy class 0.05: 20 - 100% Nominal torque range: 1 N m to 20 kN m
Measuring of static torques with transverse force Precise calibration of torque calibration equipment DKD-R-3-7 classes: 0.1 and 0.2 Nominal torque range: 2 N·m to 3 kN·m
6 components: Fx, Fy, Fz; Mx, My, Mz Largest parameter spread throughout all measuring ranges For static and dynamic applications Nominal load: axial 0.3 to 4000 kN, transverse 5 N·m up to 200 kN·m Accuracy class: 0.2
6 Components: Fx, Fy, Fz; Mx, My, Mz For static and dynamic applications Nominal load: axial 10 to 250 kN, transverse 0,1 to 50 kN·m Accuracy class: 0.1
6 components: Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz For static and dynamic loads Maximum precision and versatility Integrated mechanical decoupling Custom engineered measuring platform
Three components: Fz, Fx, Fy Force ratio FZ /FX,Y = 10:1 Nominal force range: 0.5 kN to 10 kN Accuracy class: 0.2 - 0.3 Very compact design
Components: Fx, Fy Specially designed for tire uniformity testing machines Nominal force range Fx /Fy : 1000/500 lbf to 2000/1000 lbf Low cross-talk, low linearity deviation (0.1 %) Fatigue strength limit: >100 million load cycles
Components: Fz, Mz For moments, tensile and compressive forces, static and dynamic K series nominal force range: 200 N to 630 kN M series rated torque: 2 N·m to 10 kN·m Precision class up to 0.05
Decentralized inline measuring amplifier Interface: EtherCAT® Measuring input: strain gauge full bridge 80 Ω – 5 k Ω Measuring rate: 40 kS/s Bandwidth: 2 kHz Accuracy class: 0.01 Power over Ethernet (PoE) Distributed clocks
Strain gauge precision measuring amplifier for static applications Accuracy class: 0.001 or 10 ppm Number of measuring channels: 2 x strain gauge full bridge 180 Ω – 2 kΩ Bridge supply voltage: 5 V/225Hz CF Interfaces: serial RS232, USB