Kalibrierung von Mehrkomponentenaufnehmern

Calibration for Multi-axis Transducers

The GTM calibration laboratory has the know-how, the competence, the procedures, and the appropriate reference standards for the calibration of multi-axis transducers and also develops new multi-axis calibration procedures

Our Calibration Services for Multi-axis Transducers and Multi-axis Measuring Platforms


Calibration process/
sample calibration certificate
AA 032 Calibration of multi-axis transducers with the specification of the main component and auxiliary component sensitivities
GTM-RL-001 Calibration of friction coefficient measuring heads for testing screws under combined axial force and torque loads
GTM-RL-002 Calibration of multi-axis systems of all types, including distributed (measuring platforms), partially distributed or monolithic systems, with representation of the uncertainty of measurement vector

Multi-axis / Component Transducers, Multi-axis Measuring Platforms


Multi-axis / component reference standard 500 kN MK-BNME

Fully automated calibration machine with electromechanical hexapod drives and reference measuring platform. Calibrations of multi-axis transducers with full knowledge of the force vector through our traceable, resolved systems with lowest measurement uncertainty. No flying blind in multicomponent calibration.

Key Facts

  • Measured quantity: Multicomponent force and moment, tension and compression forces, right and left moments
  • Operating principle: Reference transducer in resolved systems, with highly decoupled, elastic force transmission
  • Fully automated measurement process
  • Simultaneous loading of several components
  • Large installation space for calibration under conditions close to the application
  • Accredited measuring range:

Table 1: Measuring range 1

Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz W*
kN kN kN kN·m kN·m kN·m %
2 - <4 2 - <4 4 - <8 2 - <4 2 - <4 2 - <4 0.15
4 – 200 4 – 200 8 – 500 4 – 50 4 – 50 4 – 50 0.1


Table 2: Measuring range 2

Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz W*
kN kN kN kN·m kN·m kN·m %
2 - 40 2 - 40 4 - 75 0.2 - 5 0.2 -5 0.5 - 5 0.5


Table 3: Measuring range 3

Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz W*
kN kN kN N·m N·m N·m %
0.01 - 3.75 0.01 - 4.33 0.02 - 10 2.5 - 1250 2.5 - 1250 1.5 - 750 0.5

* Expanded relative uncertainty

Good to know

We recommend to coordinate the installation dimensions with us before ordering the calibration or manufacturing adapters. Compliance with the stated dimensions does not guarantee that the transducer can actually be mounted.

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